Ways to Reboot and recharge by creating a life thinking as business and becoming your own leader.

It Seems that nowadays we all need to find ways to just unplug and recharge. Sometimes I wonder what the reasons are. 

I realized that feeling burnout, tired, lack of focus and fatigue is real and doesn’t discriminate. No matter what kind of job you do, what career you're currently in, what’s your background, how healthy you are and it doesn't even matter what age or gender you are. I decided to start doing my search and is when I came up with the idea of Vision Tribe Mind Spa. Some people look at me confused. What does Mind Spa Even mean? 

Most of us like to relax and recharge at a spa, but those services are usually for the body for example: massage, facials, nails…etc. But as much as I love spa their focus is mostly on the body and skin and not much of your mind. What if instead I create a place where you take care of your mind, manage your stress during the day (before, lunch time or after work) and prevent burnout, feeling fatigue, lack of focus. 

That’s when I created the Mind Spa, it is a quiet place where anyone can come during the spa hours to sit and relax in a zero gravity chair, put his/her head phones and eye covers on and you can tap into a state of calm, relax, be heard and unplug. When you come in you have a complimentary drink (usually tea) and you let us know what’s something that you want to work on, and it is custom to you what you're going to listen to in the time that you’ll be doing the unplug mind spa self-meditation. We have other services that can help you to manage stress and burnout but what about if you don’t live near our Vision Tribe Mind Spa?

I’m going to give you a few things that help us reboot and recharge. Unfortunately the pandemic has lasted much longer than we anticipated, no matter if you have a business or other kind of career you have or currently go to school, we have realized the importance of relationships and supporting each other. You must be empathetic to help yourself, family members and others manage stress and stay productive.

Here are five strategies for how you as a leaders can lower stress and keep morale high while implementing changes:


There are unexpected twists and turns to any big change in your daily life operations, such as remote working, having everyone under one roof and adopting new technology. The learning curve can understandably cause panic. Think for a minute of your household as a business and you’re the leader should expect these reactions and develop a plan based on empathy towards yourself and others around you in order to deal with it.


True listening means listening with open ears, open eyes and an open heart. It means paying attention to body language, tone of voice and the hidden emotions behind what's being said. You'll always gain more from listening than from speaking. This step starts with you taking care of yourself, listening to your body, to your mind and soul. They are always talking to us but sometimes they can manifest in different ways, for example stress, can lower our immune system, we start getting sick, we start forgetting important things because our minds can feel foggy. Start listening to your body. 


For a leader, empathy is more than listening and nodding your understanding; it's understanding that yourself, your [family members, friends, community or staff] have their own communication styles. In stressful, uncomfortable times when change is thrust upon them, you can stay connected by making them feel more comfortable. Put yourself in their shoes to better understand things from their perspective.


Allowing people to air their concerns and speak their truths during change and upheaval can do wonders for your home or work culture in the long run. The foundation becomes stronger because of the trust factor. You as the leader in your life understand the challenges that exist through your home or organization, which helps you and those around you be more effective in leading their lives, teams, and community through change.


The best “organizations” (home, community) understand that there is no endpoint to change. Change is for the greater good of continual evolution, collectively and individually. Therefore, you should not be fatigued by change. Instead, you need to sell the change to yourself and others as a necessary energizer that benefits you and those around you. Show the workforce how the new systems can work in your favor and others, not against them. Remember empathy gives insight into what others are feeling and thinking. At its foundation, empathy informs your decision-making by sharpening your decision and intuition. 

Last but certainly not least, Four Ways to Connect With yourself:

1. Find your Why. Talk to friends, journal and find out what motivates you and them to succeed. What is your & their Why?

2. Be available and a voice of reason. Make yourself available to others for advice and mentorship (specially if you're a coach or want to create a community or tribe). Be the calm voice of reason when a situation is falling apart or what you will tell a friend that is in the same situation you're going through.

3. Talk to friends, co-worker, and family members. Schedule time to talk to each of those in your community once a month. The more you talk to them, the more they see you care about them personally.

4. Make things fun. Another Zoom meeting? Make it short and fun with games and giveaways. Or, give them a cause to rally around, help them get clarity and can help you gain clarity to yourself. When we are light to others we become our own lights in the process.

"We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics."

-Joyce Meyer, American author

Let me know your thoughts. What is something you can add to the list above?

For more information, regarding our Life Coaching appointments or scheduling Mind Spa session check our website https://www.visiontribecoaching.com


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